Our farm is certified by MCIA organic services- www.mciaorganic.org To comply with the USDA National Organic Program we had to create an ‘Organic Farm Plan’ and be certified by a third party. We chose MCIA organic services as our certifier. We pay fees to MCIA and they work with us to make sure we follow the organic rules and complete the needed records stay in compliance with the National Organic Program. We have to update our forms and submit our records once each year. We also have a full day farm inspection each year. The inspector tours the farm and our facilities, reviews our recording keeping, and then tests our records by choosing one of our crops from the previous year and traces the records backwards from the invoice of sale when it left the farm, to the day it was packed, then to the harvest record and block it was grown in. They look at the production records and review all the practices and inputs that we used to produce that fruit.

This is all done to verify the integrity of our organic system and make sure we have the ability to trace back and document how the food was produced. Our customers can be sure that our products are truly organic. You don’t have to take our word on it. We have MCIA working with us to confirm that we are truly organic according to the National Organic Standards.

We have been very happy with the service we get from MCIA. The staff is knowledgeable and willing to answer the many questions we have posed to them over the years. If you are considering working with MCIA to certify your farm, we highly recommend them. If you want more information about MCIA, check out their website.